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Can I access my membership when I want?
You can access myThereo when and how you want. Your subscription makes all the content on this website available to you at all times. We do have scheduled update periods when we are updating content or providing new content. At these times the website may be unavailable for a short period.
Does purchasing a subscription give me access to all content?
Yes, you pay just one fee and get access to all content on the website. This is access to a month of content, all video therapy sessions, blog content, and more.
Can I get Medicare assistance to pay for my membership to myThereo?
At the present time, no you cannot pay for your membership with Medicare. However, your subscription allows access to all therapy sessions for less than the cost of a loaf of bread per week.
What psychological model is the content of myThereo based on?
myThereo uses only research based time-limited therapy, as such, the majority of the content on this site is based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT has vast support from research, lends itself to video format, and is intended for short-term therapy.
People ask us about...
myThereo is for you if you are looking for up-to-date and research based, time limited, psychological interventions, are seeking supplementary or supportive resources for ongoing therapy, or are a student studying therapeutic interventions for psychological problems.
myThereo is for you if you are seeking psychological interventions in a self-help format. For additional help you may visit the Australian Psychological Society website to find a psychologist in your area ( or talk to your GP for someone they recommend.
myThereo may also be great for you if you’re looking for an additional resources to supplement, and or support, your ongoing therapy with your mental health care professional. The resources on this website may provide you with additional activities to help with your therapy or give you topics to talk to your mental health care professional about.
If you are studying psychology, myThereo may provide you with an alternative way to learn about administering psychological interventions, or learn about psychological topics.
myThereo is not intended for you if you only want and need medication for your psychological symptoms, are in acute psychological distress, or have drug taking behaviours that will interfere with your ability to adhere to a psychological program.
If you believe you may need medication for your psychological symptoms please see your GP. If you do not have a GP you can visit this website to find one in your area ( You can be taking medication and use myThereo at the same time.
If you are experiencing acute psychological distress, current suicidal thoughts, are thinking about death, or self-harm then please contact your GP or local hospital for immediate assistance. Alternatively, if you have a phone you can speak to someone immediately on Lifeline (13 11 14). In dire and immediate circumstances always call for emergency services (000).
If you do engage in drug taking behaviours that may interfere with adhering to a psychological program, please consider treatment for your drug taking first. You can call Lifeline (13 11 14) or Druginfo (1300 85 85 84) to discuss your drug taking and your next step.
Is myThereo suitable for me?
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